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skin frills location - useless for flight ot themoregulatoin

The reading passgae states that the fine lines locate at the backbone or the tail of Sinoxxxx, which are useless for flight, so as less likely to be the feather. In contrast, the professor points out that not all feathers are for flight. For example, a bird whose tail is covered with feather for attracing spouses. An recently research finds that the fine lines should be colorful, orange and white, which cooresponds to the display function of feathers. So it is reasonable to

facilitate / contribute to

Experienced employees with higher salaries or inexperienced employees with lower salaries?

  1. experienced employees can work efficiently, because they are more familiar with the workflow.
  2. higer salaries can motivate the employee and attract more people, so it is more likely to find more adaptive employee.

policies to have various educational the Internet

To begin with the relatively low salaries of the teachers is a reflection of the less appreciation and recognition of the

Not that.

  1. Young people’s interests are distributed in different areas due to the Internet development. There are more instersting topics now.
  2. We are far from the war for years. Unnecessary to care the policy trend.

To begin with, the development of science and tech enables the young people to have more access get exposed to more political dynamics.

Furthermore, there are various ways of politic education, which allows the young people to a analyze the politics.