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Recitation of Model Essay

·830 words·4 mins· 0 · 0 · ·
toefl speaking
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Speaking - This article is part of a series.
Part 1: This Article

Preference 1

Some people perfer to travel with their family. Some people perfer to travel alone. Which do you prefer?

I perfer to travel alone.

For one thing, the schedule for the trip will be more flexible. When I travel by my self, it is more likely for me to choose when to go to the destination and when to leave.

For another, it allows me to choose the tourist attactions that I show interest in. While traveling with families, it is possible that we cannot reach an agreement about where to visit while it is possible for me to go to the places which I like.

Preference 2

There are two places to choose. One is the place that you have never visited with higher price. One is the place that you have visited before with lower price. Which one do you choose?

I choose to go to the place which I have never visited with higher price.

For one thing, higher price brings better experiences. Higher price means superior service, extravagant accomodation and maganificent landscapes, which allows me to enjoy myself in a more comfortable way.

For another, there is a lack of freshness in the places that I have visited before. By contrast, the new place always enriches our life experience by providing a chance for me to taste unique local food, appreciate different scenery and expose to new culture.

Preference 3

There are two universites. One is prestigious but requires high tuition. One is not famous but offers scholarship. Which one do you choose?

I prefer to choose the prestigious university which requires high tuition.

For one thing, it offers resources such as professional teachers, advanced science lab and modern library with abundant books, which allows me to achieve better academic performances.

For another, even though it requires high tuition, I can do some part-time johs such as working as teaching assistant in campus to cover part of the tuition.

Should 1

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should decide career for their children.

I disagree with the statement that parents should decide career for their children.

For one thing, the carreer might not be suitable for the children. It is likely that parents choose the career which is the best in their eyes without considering their children’ interests and expectations. As a consequence, their children refuse to devote themselves to the career.

For another, it keeps their children from becoming independent. When parents decide career for their children, their kids will gradually rely on their parents. As a consequence, they tend to count on others whenever possible.

Should 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We should consult our parents when making decisions.

I agree with the statement that we should consult our parents when making decisions.

For one thing, they can instruct us to make informed choices. Parents, who are more experienced, will take all possible factors into account and offer more feasible advices to help us to avoid making unnecessary mistakes.

For another, they can offer support for us such as mental support and financial support. For instance, when we plan to start a new business and need some money, our parents could provide good financial basis for us.

Should 3

Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Companies should allow employees to listen to music while working.

I disagree with the statement that companies should allow employees to listen to music while working.

For one thing, it leads to lower working efficiency. Listening to music will distract employees’ attention from what employees are focusing on. As a consequence, they are less able to accomplish our tasks on time.

For another, it has negative influence on the communication with others. When customers, colleagues and superiors try to start a conversation, the employees who are putting on their earphones will fail to respond to them promptly.

Comparison 1

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Life now is better than before.

I agree with the statement that life now is better than before.

For one thing, the transportation system is more complete. Different means of transportations are available such as subway, airplane and train, which takes less time for people to travel around.

For anther, the telecommunication tools are more advanced. Thanks to the advent of cell phone, it is posible for us to connect with others within several seconds when something urgent takes place.

Comparison 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier to be children than to be adults.

I agree with the statement.

For one thing, children do not to be concerned about making money while it is necessary for adults to work hard and support their family, which is a heavy burden for them.

For another, children do not need to bother themselves about taking care of other family members while while adults are supposed to attend to all of the members in the family.

Speaking - This article is part of a series.
Part 1: This Article